Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sweetness and Light

Today my beautiful friend Tiffany went into surgery to have a tumor removed from her abdomen.

When I found out that Tiff had a tumor a few weeks ago, it didn't seem real. Surely someone so young, so wonderful, so good, couldn't have a tumor the size of a cantaloupe in her abdomen. She researched before she went to a doctor (who was absolutely horrible) and was sorely disappointed. (If I could hit that doctor right in the face, I would.) Then, because Tiff is also very motivated, and very smart, she researched more and went all the way to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota...that was yesterday. An hour ago she went into surgery...

I hate that it's taking a stint in the OR to make me write about her, but she's someone who deserves to be written about. She deserves to be recognized for the kind of person she is.

Tiff is the kind of person who loves wholly and completely. She's always thinking about the people around her, and she's quick to defend anyone she sees as being wronged. She always puts herself last and others first. She's also one of the most talented photographers, graphic designers, and artists that I know. To top it all off, she's completely beautiful in every way.

Tiffany is nothing except sweetness and light. She's the mother of the sweetest pitbull on the planet, Cash. She's an advocate for animal rights, and fights hard against breed prejudice. She's going into medicine. Her photography, drawings, paintings and digital designs are beyond phenomenal.

Whenever I've needed to talk about one of my many neuroses, she's been there to calm me down and encourage me. She pours out her love on others as if she has an unending supply...When I see the way she loves my brother, and the way that he loves her, it gives me hope. She loves so big that it seeps into every aspect of her life. As many wonderful attributes as Tiff has, the biggest and greatest is her heart and her unbelievable capacity to love.

I love the person that Tiff is, and I'm so incredibly thankful that she is a part of my life. I have faith that God has this in His hands, and has her in His.

If you'd like to read her thoughts on all of this, go to her Tumblr: The Awful, Terrible. She's also a beautiful writer.


  1. YOu are truly a good friend...this is beautiful. I will be sending good thoughts for her speedy recovery and to you and her family.

  2. This is beautiful Wug, and you're right, Tiff is sweetness and light. That's the perfect way to describe her. So glad to have both of you in my life, you truly make it better! Love you so much!!

    Love from,


    1. Love you too, Stace. =] And I know how much you love Tiff, too!!

  3. Praying for your friend.
