Thursday, August 19, 2010


It's so easy to look back on the great times in our lives and think, "if only I could go back to that day for a little while." I was looking through some old pictures today. Pictures taken two or three years ago during a time in my life when I needed friends more than anything, and God provided me with some of the best friends I've ever had. It's so easy for me to think back on those times and want to be back there.

But then I think about all I have now. I think about how wonderful my life is right now, and all the amazing things I have to look forward to. When I focus on those things, it's like I can't wait to get to THOSE moments, the ones that may or may not happen.

Why can't we, the human population, enjoy what we have now? Why do we always look backwards or forwards? I am trying to make it my mission to TRY and appreciate all the blessings I have right now. My God. My family. My boyfriend. My friends. My school. My teachers. There's so much more... so much in my life RIGHT now that I should be appreciate of, should be thankful for.

I feel lucky to have so many beautiful memories to look back on, and so many exciting things to look forward to. But mostly, I'm thankful for today, and for the wonderful people in my life.


  1. This is beautiful Wug. I think often times we forget it. We think God is a God of the past and God is a God of the future, he has a plan for us, but we oh so often forget that God is the God of the PRESENT! He has given us gifts RIGHT NOW, he is blessing us RIGHT NOW, he is teaching us RIGHT NOW, he is loving us RIGHT NOW! I'm so blessed to have you in my life! I love you!

  2. I love you, Stacey! And He is doing all of those things NOW! =]
