Monday, April 9, 2012

Self Worth (or I Want to Love Myself)

I've been thinking a lot lately (and by lately, I mean for the last almost-27 years or so) about my self worth. I know, I write about that a lot. I'm sure it's extremely annoying, but give me a moment with this thought.

In kindergarten I remember feeling like I wasn't as pretty as my best friend. She was popular, very pretty, blonde (yes, we were five, and it still mattered to me) and all the boys liked her. I was kind of her nerdy sidekick. She switched schools in middle school and I made a new best friend. This girl was more of a tom boy, still very pretty, and interesting. All the boys liked her, too, so yet again, I'm the nerdy sidekick. Despite the fact that both of these girls are beautiful (inside and out), loving, wonderful people, I let my own comparison of myself to their exterior traits color my self image pretty heavily.

I hoped that college was going to be different...but, because I had already sketched (in ink, mind you) an image of myself in my mind, I didn't make myself look at the guys I was dating in an objective way. I should have said: Does this boy care about my well being? Does this boy love Jesus? Does this boy respect me? Can I talk to this boy? Can I be me around this boy? But instead, I said: Does this boy like me? Do I think this boy is cute? And if the answer to both of those questions was yes, then I was all in. Just like that. It didn't matter how they treated me, as long as they were willing to be with me.

Needless to say, I've never really felt good enough. I've always felt subpar...I wasn't ever an athlete, even though I really did try to be. I never did gymnastics, or danced (except a brief stint in a children's Dance Studio which doesn't really count. I quit when they said "Do a cartwheel!"). I never played soccer or tennis or volleyball or softball. On the flip side, I've never been what you might call "a typical girl," meaning, I never really got into a lot of girly-things (shoes and nails and shopping), but I did get into nerd-things (books and movies and Sci-Fi television shows). I always half-envied the girls who so easily were feminine and wore high-heels to every occasion effortlessly. I never mastered the art of "fixing" my hair. I can straighten it...I can braid it...I can let it dry and hope for the best. I was never really nerd enough to hold my own in a conversation with a true Star Trek or Star Wars fan. I've always just been kind of caught in the middle...For over a quarter of a century, this as been riding around on my shoulders.

For over a quarter of a century, I've believed that I was living in the land of mediocrity.
I don't want to trick myself into believing that I live there anymore.

You all (probably) know the story of how my husband and I came to be what we are. We became friends, which rapidly became a romantic relationship, which even more rapidly turned into a marriage. I won't go over that again (even though I could easily write about that part of my life every day and never get tired of it!), but I want to touch on a huge turning point in my life that has begun to help me move away from this ugly little monster riding around on my shoulders.

Vince is my husband, my best friend, my confidant, my self-esteem booster, and from time-to-time he has to lay down the lay and metaphorically whip me into shape. I've had friends my whole life tell me not to feel less than worthy. They said I was a great person, and I appreciated everything they said...but it never really sunk in. I think it's because of how very close Vince and I are, but when he tells me these things, I can't help but really listen. 

I won't try and quote him, because he's told me so many wonderful, encouraging things, but I do want to try and share what he's shared with me, just in case someone else out there suffers with feeling less-than-worthy.

There is only one of me...only one of you. Because there are no copies, you can't compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone has issues, everyone has great qualities, everyone has flaws, everyone has fears, everyone has insecurities, but at the end of the day, we are all unique, one-of-a-kind creatures. 
To try and change that, to try and make oneself like someone else only works to belittle the being that you are! I can try all day to be more like someone else, but someone, and probably multiple someones,  love the person that you are. 

I often freak out, because I don't like who I am, and tell Vince that I want to change things about me. Every time, he looks at me and tells me that I'm the first person in his life that he's wanted to spend every day with, that he's felt himself around, and if I change the person that I am, it'll hurt him. Now, I don't want you to think I've decided to start working on liking me because he likes me...but rather, I want to start liking me because (as silly as this sounds) I have found an outside source that says there is something about me worth loving. If that's the case, then I feel like I'm missing out on something about myself...I've been so blinded by my warped self-perception that I can't see myself...

It's easy to look at someone else and say, "Man, they have so many great qualities," but sometimes it's hard to view yourself that way. I want to view myself that way...I don't want to forget my flaws, or ignore them, but I want to let  the positive things shine. 
I want to believe in myself.
I want to love myself.
And, if I can, I want to help others love themselves, too.


  1. So good my lovely! About 6 months ago I read a blog post by this woman. She had become aware that people's perception of her was skewed. In a single Sunday at church, she had 3 different woman say or imply that she had her act together. That they wished they were as "put together" as she was. That she had the perfect life. But she noticed that when they said these things to her that their tone was almost dismayed. She and her husband were confused by people's strange view of her life. She said she thought about it for awhile. She finally came to the conclusion that if you smile a lot and are somewhat attractive and slender, that people somehow think you've got the perfect life. She eventually goes on to say how she was a recovering drug addict etc. Anyway, her blog was eye opening for me because I realized that I see people that way. If they seem happy (i.e. smile a lot) and are thin, then I suddenly think their lives are perfect and that my life somehow is lacking. But being thin doesn't make someone happy! I looked around after reading that and realized I know tons of miserable THIN people who have insanely crazy/depressing lives. I've always struggled with my weight and my life is very chaotic/unorganized half the time. But I've finally realized that even though the grass may BE greener on the other side, you don't know why its greener...maybe the septic tank is shot and the yard is full of crap ;)
    Point being, I like very much what V is saying. Everyone has issues and struggles! Their life isn't perfect and if we live our lives comparing ourselves to others, we'll never have PEACE or JOY! I love how you are taking every thought captive through your blogs Linny. You are recognizing the Liar for who he is and not allowing him to dictate or rule your life. You are refusing to believe his lies. You are refusing to allow him to ruin your friendship or marriage with his lies. You will not allow your insecurities to win out!! I am so happy that Vince is apart of the family now. I'm even more excited about how God is using him to minister to you, his wife. What a vessel! I love you.
    (sorry about typos. Austin is bouncing on my feet and I don't have time to proof read.)

    1. You know, whenever I see a thin, pretty woman who smiles a lot, I think the exact same thing...I've even talked to Vince about that! i've struggled with my weight (also in a very chaotic way) for most of my life, too, but I also know that, despite that, I'm still a happy person a lot of the time. (Also, the septic point...brilliant. =])

      Vince definitely ministers to me...I don't think he realizes that he does...but he's always pushing me to love the person that I am, and to now wish I was someone else. But I'll be the first to admit that it's an every day, every hour, every minute battle. Thoughts and feelings bumping around inside my head, trying to dominate my being...I can't imagine dealing with all of this alone...I'm forever thankful for Vince. With simple, straightforward, beautiful truth I think God is using him to set me free from chains that have long been rusted around me. =]

      And there weren't any typos that I noticed. Baby bouncing always should take priority!

      Thank you for reading this Sondra, and taking the time to reply! It really means the world to me. I love you so much!

  2. I've met a lotta people... and I've never met another like you. I certainly wouldn't have it any other way, and I know everyone else wouldn't either. You are a wonderful one-of-a-kind and have so much beauty inside and out. I'm glad your other half helps you realize how great you are, JUST the way you are. :)

    Love you.

    1. Thank you, Kristie. =] I love you!! I'm thankful that you're in my life. <3

  3. Absolutely beautiful my dear! You, this post, your marriage...they are all truly beautiful! I know I continue to say this, but you are growing so much right now and I am so enjoying watching you grow. I am so thankful for Vince and they truth and love he speaks into your life. I love that he has revealed to you the things about yourself that are amazing and that you can see now and love, because many of us have loved them for years. But how great is it that God is using Vince to finally open your eyes to that stuff?! I hope one day I can meet a man that helps, loves, encourages and "whips" me into shape the way Vince does with you! You are so blessed, and I am so blessed to know you!

    Love from,


    1. Stace, I have all the faith in the world that you'll meet your best friend, too. It's easier to say that and believe it for you now that I'm married...but I do believe it. Wholeheartedly. You have this pure, beautiful spirit that gives and gives...and someday hopefully soon, you're going to meet a man who loves that part of you, who gives like you do, and who can't help but love you in every single way. Love you, BB.

  4. Wow, way to make me cry a little at work, Linds! hahahaha jk, but seriously. Thanks so much for your reassuring words. I love you!
