Monday, October 1, 2012

Emotional Epiphany

I often let my emotions dictate my actions and words. Excitement, joy, sadness, anger, contentment, whatever it is, I let what I'm feeling decide how I'm going to interact with the world. (Anyone who follows me on Twitter can follow my moods based on the kinds of things I post. My apologies.)

My husband tells me that being a person that is intensely in tune with my emotions is a good thing. Some days I agree--others, I beg to differ.

My whole life, I've thought that there was something wrong with me because of the intensity with which I felt things. I thought there was something broken in my brain--some synapse that fired incorrectly--that caused me to feel so much so often. Whether it was feeling like I was going to die, because a boy broke up with me, or feeling like nothing could ever be wrong again, because my cat had kittens and I was as happy as anyone could be--I felt too much to be a rational, sane human being. Often, these emotions only lasted short periods of time. If a boy broke up with, I was sure my heart would stop beating...and then a few days later, that seemed ridiculous. It was, after all, just a boy, and really, I didn't like him that much. If the kittens overflowed my heart with joy, I was sure nothing could be better. But then, someone I knew would get married, or have a baby, and suddenly that was the pinnacle of joy.

There's no apparent rhyme or reason to my emotional state a lot of the time. It goes up and down with force. As I said, I believed my brain didn't work like a human brain should.

Last night, my husband and I talked about all this. He told me that my ability to feel things so acutely was one of the things that drew him to me initially. (I countered with the fact that my emotional reactions often cause arguments, but I want to focus on the positive words he spoke into my life right now.) When he told me that, for the first time ever, I started to think that maybe I'm not defective...maybe the way that I feel doesn't make me crazy...maybe it's a gift, and maybe there's a purpose for it.

I've always believed that God creates each of us with individual talents, interests, and passions. I've always believed that each person I meet is unique and beautiful. But I've never applied those thoughts to me. Though I believed wholeheartedly that everyone was unique, special, and beautiful, subconsciously I've always thought, Except me. I'm not those things. I'm broken. Maybe I'm crazy, too. Then I'm blessed with this amazing man in my life who says, This thing that you see a defect is something beautiful to me. I love this thing and I love you for, and in spite of, it. 

It shook me.

Perhaps God made me the way I did so that I could experience his full range of beautiful, heart-shattering emotions, and in so doing, be able to empathize with others when they experience these things. Perhaps I this thing that I've seen as a downfall, a major flaw, has always been a blessing that bloomed very slowly. Perhaps this stockpile of emotional baggage that I've added to and carried my whole life is there so that I can draw from it and in some small way, help someone else deal with their emotional stuff.

I don't think I'm the only person who feels things intensely.
I don't think I feel more than everyone else.
I don't think that without me the people who talk to me couldn't get by.
But, I do know that I feel things, in the core of me, when the people I care about feel them.
I do know that when I feel something, I feel it as a real, tangible, physical thing.
And I know that, if I let God work in me, that He can use this as a tool for His glory, 
as a way for Him to love.

My God made me an emotional, empathetic woman, and He made my husband and logical, loving man. My husband's logic helped me to see that the way I am isn't wrong. I can't let my emotions control me, but I can be thankful for the ability to feel things so deeply, and hopefully to be able to use those emotions and the knowledge that comes with them to help someone else. 

I'm thankful for the ability to feel, even when it's hard. I'm thankful that I have such a kind, loving, rational husband, who helps me by encouraging me and not coddling me (despite what my emotion-driven-self demands of him). And I'm so very thankful for a God who loves me enough to make me who I am, and who loves you enough to make you who you are.


  1. Your ability to feel so deeply has helped me, Lindsey. There have been times that I have talked to you about things it took me years to tell other people. At the time, I could not figure out what drew me to, what made you so easy to trust and confide in. I believe it was this. I also believe that your right, God gave such a large capacity to feel in other to help others. It may not always be pleasant, but you are touching and changing lives just by being your wonderful self.

    1. It makes me extremely happy to know that you feel comfortable talking to me! I feel very comfortable talking to you, too.

      I hope that I can help people, and if I've helped you in even a small way, I feel like I've done something right with me life.

      Love you!

  2. *you're right. I should not leave comments from my phone in the morning hahah

  3. Oooookay so I know that I say this pretty much every time, but the way that Vince loves you, cares for you and speaks TRUTH over you touches my heart each time you write about it. I know that he is not perfect, because none of us are, but he is so perfect for you. He is, from what I have seen and read, exactly what God calls men to be as husbands. He speaks truth over you, he leads you spiritually, he challenges you, let's you know when you're wrong and helps you to see how you can improve. I love this, and to be honest I envy this. He is so good to you, so good FOR you. It is a truly, truly beautiful thing, Linds.

    And as far as your emotions running so deep, it is beautiful. I am sure it can be hard to deal with sometimes, but it is a gift that God has used in your life. God has used this gift given to you to help me in my life, from a very early stage in our friendship. You loving so deeply, and feeling so fully helped me through some of the hardest moments of my life. And Vince is right, that is what draws people to you. You are so loving and caring, it is truly magnetic. Gosh, you are beautiful! Do you realize how beautiful you are my dear?!

    And I don't know if you thought about this, but while reading it I surely did. You're ability to feel so deeply is what makes you a truly, incredible writer. The way you write your stories draws the audience to feel what your characters feel, and that is a gift! It is so important! The way you are able to fully understand those emotions and put them into words is amazing. It's one of those "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" scenarios. Are you an incredible writer because of your ability to feel so deeply? Or did God give make you to feel so fully because he knew you'd be a writer?

    I love you so much, and as always I am truly loving watching you grow in your marriage, in your relationship with God and mostly in your relationship with yourself.

    Love from,


    1. Staco-BB:

      Your response to my blog made me get all weepy and silly. I'm so very thankful for our friendship...for how encouraging and loving you've always been. For your never ending ability to help whip me into shape when I fall into one of my many pits (that I dig, and then walk into with my eyes open).

      Thank you for being who you are. For always supporting and loving me, no matter what.

      Also, don't envy my relationship with warms my heart that you think so highly of it, but I know that God has a unique, beautiful, perfect relationship for YOU. He's just saving you for that perfect man, so hopefully you won't have to travel down the road I did...a road filled with many, many mistakes, many hours of brokenness and suffering, and many years filled with false, dull, lifeless hope. Vince was my light at the end of a treacherous tunnel (a tunnel I dug out myself, and went into KNOWING that it wasn't going to be good). I pray for you that you won't have to go through many broken relationships, but rather, God will use His time with just you to build you up and grow in you (and your husband) before you meet him.

      Also, thank you for what you said about my stories...lately I've fought a depression about my writing...Vince has been telling me to write because I love it, and because he thinks I'm good at it, but I've been struggling with it so much. Your voice, joined with his, helps keep that creative spark burning in my belly.

      Thank you for always taking the time to read my stuff, and reply with so much love. It overwhelms me in the best possible way.

      Love and peace to you,


  4. All I can say is that I relate 100% to what you're saying. I, too, 'feel too much' and sometimes it feels like such a curse, like something holding me back. At the end of the day, though, I wouldn't be who I am without it. I love helping others and even though we've never met in real life, I can't even tell you how much you have helped me as a person. You've helped me to grow, see the bright side and not give up when sometimes all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and try everything within my power to 'be like everyone else', to 'be normal'. What is 'normal', though? I think we are all different and meant to be, makes the world more exciting :)
