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A photo I took in October of 2011. This was one of those days. |
A terrible word for a terrible feeling.
These days seem pretty random. Sometimes they're set off by something specific, but more often than not, I just feel bad...generally I feel bad in specific ways, and those different ways pile on top of each other until it's just a general feeling of badness (there's that word again).
On those days, I get random urges to tweet really melodramatic things. Sometimes, those things don't even pertain to the way I'm feeling. For example, yesterday I tweeted, "Perpetually looking over one's shoulder is no way to live." It sounded kind of sad, and kind of paranoid, so I tweeted it, because I was maybe feeling a little sad, and maybe a little paranoid too. I have no idea why. I get random urges to pour my little melodramatic heart and soul into my many social media outlets and to my close friends via text (if you're one of these close friends, and you've gotten one of these texts, you know how horribly annoying and pointless it can be). Lately, I've done a stellar job of fighting those urges (except for my paranoid-shoulder-tweet). This blog is my attempt at channeling all of that badness and turning it into something...not so bad.
If I let thoughts and emotions live in my head for too long, I get kind of crazy. My husband notices...I'm the least careful about holding it in around him. I'm very sad to say, he has to take the brunt of it...when I let things boil in my head, sometimes the steam burns the ones closest to me. Nine times out of ten, that's Vince. He has to deal with his burns, while trying to keep the pot (that's me) from boiling over, as well as trying to keep me from getting burned, too. Thinking about it that way makes me sad for him, and at the same time, makes me very, very grateful to have such a loving, compassionate, patient man.
I've had these spouts of badness since I was a kid. A part of me thinks it's just my lack of control over my emotions getting the better of me. That makes me want to learn to control it, and makes me feel like I've failed somehow by not being able to. Another part of me thinks I have some as-yet undiagnosed chemical imbalance and need to see a doctor or a therapist (that's the easiest option to "fix). And yet another part of me thinks that I have some deeply rooted issues in the depths of my brain that, every now and again, peek out to see if they can join the party, but they don't peek out long enough for me to see them in their entirety. Rather, I see them for only a moment, and rather than being able to deal with the issue, the root, as a whole, I focus on the effects or symptoms of that issue. Namely, comparing myself to what I see as incomparable beauty, the idea that I'm unlovable, the idea that I'll never live up to an expectation that's always going to be unspoken, but in my head, will always be there.
The most likely scenario is that it's a lovely mix of all three of these things.
In a way, this blog is just my very long-winded way of melodramatically-tweeting-over-140-characters. In another way, it's my way of writing out these "major issues" that I think I have, so that I can see them in black and white. Seeing things in black and white always helps put things in perspective.
Some days are bad and some aren't. I suppose that's normal, but I'm tired of it being a toss of the dice for me. My goal is to bring the bad days into the light, so that they're eventually forced to become their antithesis. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that exactly, but I have a few ideas to try. I'm going to talk to my husband before all of the emotion I carry boils over and hurts him. I'm going to try positively redirecting the tangle of thoughts in my brain. I'm going to quit comparing my photos to photos of other people. And lastly, I'm going to try and limit my social-media-time, because as great as Facebook and Twitter can be, they're both always excellent venues to commit self-esteem suicide when left to my own devices.
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A photo from a few days ago. This was not one of those days. |
Now that I've decided I will post it, I'd like to ask that no one take the time to tell me that I shouldn't compare myself to others, that there's no unspoken expectation of me, and that I am lovable. Rather, if you choose to comment, I'd love for you to share your struggles with me, too. Or maybe you could tell me something that helps you when you're having a bad day. I cherish the encouragement and love that the people in my life are always so willing to pour out on me, and I appreciate it more than any of you can ever know, but this time, I'd rather hear about you.
So... I must say that you ARE beautiful and lovable before I go on to tell you what helps me. Pouring into my relationship with God has almost proved an increase in all things good in my life. The more I'm with Him, the more patient and understanding I become, the more humble I am, the more accepting of myself I am... the more accepting I am of others. The more I am with my church body and mentoring students the more I feel like someone has mentored me. I wrote a blog once about happy and sad and how joy can be found in the midst of both. Sad feels so much better for me when I let God into the picture, and even better, have the whole picture. Sounds elementary, but from a girl who can from a lot of "badness" and a whole lot of dysfunctional, it's worth sharing that most days, I feel... goodness. :)
ReplyDeleteBesides all that, a prayer or two goes a long way. That's our job. The people who love you. And I will pray for you when I think of you, and I will pray for you now. ;)
DeleteIt's so easy for me to forget to go to God. That sounds silly (because it is silly), but often I try to fix things myself.
I've seen you grow through the troubles you've faced, and I've seen God work in your life. That gives me inspiration and hope.
Thank you for sharing with me! I love you.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I struggle with these days of "badness." (that IS a good way of putting it btw, because I think "I feel bad" doesn't fully articulate the way it feels) actually just last Thursday I had one. Something I pride myself on a lot is my ability to hold my tongue and not say something when I really want to, particularly if it's something or someone I'm complaining about. I've yet to figure out a way to deal with those emotions...what I tend to do is to just take a second whenever I'm free, whether it's on my break at work or when I get off and I'm driving home and I just rant. The way I see it, God knows all of my emotions--good AND bad--anyway, so if I tell Him about them, I'm getting them off my chest and they're not coming as a surprise to Him. But as a bonus, we're declared righteous by God, and we can rest in our identity as sons and daughters. My reaction to that truth is to tell God everything that bothers me about myself and ask Him to change it.
Maybe that had NOTHING to do with how you feel, but you wanted struggles so I gave you mine ;)
I think that's a great way of handling things. Thanks!
DeleteMy dear child! Ever since I was born I have felt inferior....like a mistake. I always knew that there was something wrong with me. I always felt like I would never measure up. Maybe that is why I have really not been that upset when I didn't measure up. My Dad says I feel that way b/c my Mom was having a hard time emotionally when I was born and I didn't get what I needed from her. I don't know what it was, but it was a definte feeling of not deserving attention concerneing myself. Maybe this was carried over to you. We tend to somehow pass on the care we got. I was a tired and nervous Mom and a sensitive child like yourself would pick up on that. My Mom is the only one who could get through to me that 'your children and the chief reason you are here...for them'...which was a startling revelation to me. This happened when your were maybe 1 1/2 years old...I think it saved me! I did better after that for sure! I remember her being a loving Mom but kind of distant. I didn't really expect much b/c I instinctively knew it was because I wasn't special. I was sometimes acceptable, but not special. My Mom continuing to have more children confirmed this! She was trying to get it right I thought. I now know (or think..probably..) that this thinking was flawed. I struggle with these feelings every day. When I don't get something from a relationship I just feel its b/c I'm not worth it. I am sorry, but this has to have affected you my little girl. When I look back I realize that I probably didn't show these things much, but it is definitely how I feel and have always felt. If my husband or children ignore me...its b/c I deserved it.. IF my family does..its is b/c I am 'the least of these'. It is ingrained and is 'OK'. I actually get upset with people who demand attention if they think they deserve it....b/c it is offensive to me. AND I have never really had much struggle with this TILL my Dad let me in on a little secret about ten years ago. It came to a head then but I am fine with it now.
ReplyDeleteI love you my Wug....life is hard and finding our rightful place in things/relationships is hard...(For me anyway). You are extremely loving and bright. You love God, your husband, your family and friends. You are very talented and are going to be fine. Your writings help other too which is a wonderful thing.
Momma...I hope you KNOW now that there's nothing wrong with you. Your momma loved you. I know this because you learned how to love from her, and you love your children like there's no tomorrow. I'm sorry that you think that this blog reflects on you. You and dad have done nothing but show me love since I was born...and I'm sorry if you've ever not received that love in kind.
DeleteI understand feeling like you aren't worth it, but I'm here to definitively tell you that you ARE worth that love and more! It's so easy for us to not be able to see why we're worth love, but to be able to see why others are worth it.
You're worth more love than you can stand. I want you to KNOW that.
I love you more than you can ever know!
ReplyDeleteWe all have struggles. Some hit us at the weirdest times and seem to just pop up out of nowhere, while others are there every single day and we battle to keep them under control. It's the ones that are always there just stirring under the surface that are the most difficult for me to handle.
For me those issues all involve my appearance and the insecurities that surround how I look and even how Jeremy sees me. I know that I know he loves me. I could gain weight and go out of the house in sweats every day and he would still love me, but it doesn't stop me from questioning when will this love will end. Is that crazy? And then, as if feeling this way isn't horrible enough, I sabotage myself by finding a very attractive woman and the asking Jeremy what he thinks about her. I push him until he finally admits that she is very attractive, even though he wouldn't change me for anything. And then I dwell on it. I question if he is more attracted to her. I wonder if he thinks of someone like her when he's with me. I wonder when I won't be enough and he will want someone like that more. More than anything I just want him to be happy so perhaps I should just push him away so he can be happy with someone else. And I can get to this crazy point of tears and self doubt in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds and it's scary.
I wish I could say that I turn to God in these situations. I wish I could say that I take a step back from the crazy "badness" and get a fresh perspective that shines light on the situation and shows me where I went wrong. More often than not I end up crying and taking it out on Jeremy, the man I love the most. I search through my closet and try and find something cute to wear that he might find 1/2 as attractive as what the girl we saw earlier was wearing. I cry and then cry some more. And then Jeremy comes in and tells me to wear something comfortable (even those "fat-pants" sweats) because I'm more confident when I'm comfortable and that is sexy. It's these things that make me love him even more. Then I head to the gym or out to run under the disguise of "clearing my head" when in actuality I'm trying to lose some of the weight and the jiggle I'm so sensitive about because I have to fix it somehow.
I also think sharing these struggles helps. I wish I could take the high road and be more put together when I'm feeling the "badness" that consumes me, but I'm not there yet. I just hope that one day, hopefully one day soon, I will make it through a day where I'm not being followed by these insecurities. My head knows that I'm worth love and that I'm a beautiful woman. (That was really hard to write.)But somewhere deep inside I'm still full of doubt. So that's where I'm at in my struggles. Taking it one day at a time and praying that someday soon it will change.
- S. Gregory
DeleteYour story broke my heart...not because I don't understand, but because I understand all too well. I know exactly, and I mean exactly, what you go through. I do those exact same things to Vince, and I take things out on Vince, and the cycle continues on and on.
I know that what I have to tell you won't change how you feel, but I also know that when people encourage me, it helps even if just a little. I don't know you extremely well, but I DO know, without a doubt, that you're a wonderful person. On top of that, you're a beautiful woman. And on top of THAT, you're actively seeking to make yourself a healthier woman.
I think we take these feelings out on our husbands, because we know, in the deepest part of ourselves, that they'll put up with it because they love us. I worry every day that Vince is going to realize that he could have married someone so much "better" than me, but deep down, I know he loves me.
Know that you aren't alone...I can push myself from laughter to tears in minutes or seconds too (silly girl that I am, I really thought I was the only one, that maybe I was a little crazy). Know that I get scared, too...I think about how happy Vince could be with someone else...but at the end of the day, despite all that badness that we both seem to go through, when things level out, we love our husbands, and they love us.
I also know that, despite your friends and family's assurances that you ARE beautiful, it's really hard to admit that when you struggle with these things. And I'm so HAPPY that you were able to...It gets easier to start admitting it after a while, and while I'm still on my journey to believing it, once you get past that mental block that tells you it isn't true, you do start to believe it. And you, beautiful girl, need to believe that about yourself. Keep reaffirming it to yourself, and when others give you that affirmation, allow yourself to believe it.
Thank you so much for sharing all of that with me...it's hard to share things, but I think it's cathartic in a way, especially when you share struggles with people who have like-struggles. We can hold each other up and give advice, because we've been there. I have faith that our struggles WILL change, but we have to take the steps for them to do so. We have to start actively pursuing a mindset that allows us to love ourselves, so that when others love us, we don't doubt that it's true.